Berlin to Prague by bus

A complete guide

Last update: April 2023

Travelling between Berlin and Prague by bus is an affordable and comfortable way to explore two of Central Europe's most vibrant cities. Bus travel allows you to sit back and relax, with an opportunity to see more of the countryside and smaller towns along the way. With several bus companies offering regular services between the two cities, multiple departures per day, convenient drop-off locations in each city and competitive ticket prices, taking a bus from Berlin to Prague (or vice versa) is a convenient and popular choice for both leisure and business travelers.

In this article you find the most important information you might need or find interesting when planning your trip by bus from Prague to Berlin (or Berlin to Prague, of course).

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  Distance between Berlin and Prague by bus and how long does it take by bus

The direct distance (meaning as the crow flies) between Prague and Berlin is 280 km, by bus it is about 350 km (217 miles). The bus time from Berlin to Prague depends on the bus you take as well as the boarding and alighting stops. Typically the average Prague to Berlin bus time is about 4-5 hours. However, it always depends on the traffic conditions. 

  Prague to Berlin bus timetable

One of the biggest advantages of taking the Prague - Berlin bus is the frequency of bus connections. There are more bus operators that offer services between Prague and Berlin on a daily basis, providing travelers with several options to choose from. Generally, there are up to 20 direct bus services per day, depending on the day of the week and the time of year. Some bus operators, such as Flixbus, offer even more frequent services, with departures almost every hour throughout the day.

As the bus schedule may vary over time, do not forget to check the bus timetable beforehand to plan your journey accordingly.
How about at night? Is there any night bus from Prague to Berlin?

Yes! This is another advantage of the bus, that even at night you can get from Berlin to Prague by night bus without any problem. The availability of night buses may vary depending on the bus operator and the time of year, but generally, there are at least a few options to choose from per week.  It can be a convenient option for those who want to save time and money on accommodation by traveling overnight.

  Travel between Berlin and Prague by bus cheaply

The prices of bus tickets from Prague to Berlin / Berlin to Prague may vary depending on a number of factors such as the bus company, day and time you want to travel or some additional services (e.g. seat reservation, extra luggage, cancellation etc.). Usually, the biggest factor is whether you buy your ticket in advance online, at the point of sale or on the bus. Be aware that not every operator allows you to buy tickets on the bus, or it may also be fully booked!

The average price for a one-way bus ticket from Berlin to Prague is around €20 - €30 when purchased online and in advance (applies for both directions). However, on busy days or hours, or if you buy a ticket just before your journey, the prices can go up to €40.

In general, the sooner a ticket is purchased before the planned trip, the cheaper it is. In our opinion, it's less stressful when purchasing a ticket in advance, especially if you will be in a hurry. Therefore it's definitely better to book the bus tickets from Berlin to Prague online. Moreover, you can easily check and compare the availability and prices of bus tickets, as they can change even throughout the day based on demand and availability. It enables you to find cheap buses from Prague to Berlin easily as well.

There can be some special discounts for youth under 25 years old, seniors or holders of some special discount cards. 

  Prague - Berlin: bus stops overview and how to get there

Compared to travelling by train, one of the advantages of buses is that there are more places where you can get on or off. In Prague, buses leave from the main bus station Florenc (all Regiojet buses and some of those operated by Flixbus) or the main train station Praha hl. nádraží (Flixbus). In Berlin, Regiojet buses heading to Prague depart from Berlin, Zentralen Omnibusbahnhof, whereas Flixbus stops at Südkreuz as well, some buses even at the Berlin Airport. Moreover, with Flixbus you can even make a stop in Dresden on your way from Prague to Berlin, as the buses also stop there. 

All these bus stations both in Berlin and Prague are easily accessible by public transport, incl. metro. To find a suitable connection just use a connection finder on the official Prague or Berlin public transport website.

Tip: Do you want to learn more about how public transport in Prague works? The most important information is available in THIS article or THIS ONE dedicated to Prague metro.

  With Regiojet and Flixbus from Berlin to Prague comfortably

There are more companies operating bus connections between Berlin and Prague you can choose from. The most well-known are:

  • FlixBus: This is one of the largest and most well-known bus operators in Europe, offering several daily services between Berlin and Prague. Actually, you can get by FlixBus from Berlin to Prague almost every hour, the same goes for the Flixbus Prague to Berlin.
  • RegioJet (formerly known as Student Agency): a Czech-based bus operator that offers comfortable and affordable services between the two cities, with onboard amenities such as free Wi-Fi and refreshments. Don't be surprised if you search for a Student Agency bus from Berlin to Prague and find RegioJet. It's the same company.

You may also know Eurolines, but this company has recently become part of FlixBus, so Eurolines buses between Berlin and Prague are no longer operated.

   Additional information

Do you want to travel with your pet or bike? Unfortunately, unlike travelling by train, travelling with animals on long-distance buses is complicated and in most cases not allowed, with the possible exception for small animals. Bikes can sometimes be carried as ' 'special luggage', but even this is not always a guarantee. Therefore, as bus companies have varying restrictions about what is and is not allowed on board, we recommend checking the up-to-date terms and conditions directly on providers´ website.


Brief summary

FAQ about travelling between Berlin and Prague by bus (and vice versa)

Where to buy cheap bus tickets from Berlin to Prague? 
The best and most effective way is to buy the tickets online. You can compare the prices, find the cheapest one, choose your seat etc. They are usually available for purchase at point of sales or on the bus. However, at higher prices.

How much does a bus ticket from Berlin to Prague cost?
The price depends on various factors (bus provider, day of purchase, day of travel, special offers...). In general, the average price is about €20-30 when purchased online and in advance. Otherwise, it can go up to €40 or even more.

Where to find the timetable for buses on the route Prague - Berlin?
Overview of all bus connections with departures from Berlin and Prague are available online. Find and book the best bus for you HERE.

What's the distance between Berlin and Prague by bus?
The distance from Berlin to Prague is about 350 km by bus.

How long does it take from Berlin to Prague by bus? What´s the bus time?
It takes about 4-5 hours to get from Berlin to Prague by bus. 

Is there a direct bus from Prague to Berlin?
Yes,  you can travel between Prague and Berlin by bus with no changes.

How many buses are there on the route Berlin-Prague daily?
The frequency of bus connections is really high, during the day you can catch a bus almost every hour.

Which bus companies operate between Prague and Berlin? 
There are two bus companies that can take you comfortably from Berlin to Prague or from Prague to Berlin: Flixbus and RegioJet.

Are there any night buses from Berlin to Prague?
Yes! Getting from Berlin to Prague by night bus is no problem.

Other transportation options

Berlin and Prague are very well connected by all means of transport. Basically, in addition to travelling by bus, you can travel also by train, car or air. Interested in comparing all possible ways to get from Berlin to Prague and vice versa? Check here!

Final note: Do you have any questions about travelling by bus from Berlin to Prague or vise versa? Do you have your own tip, information that might be useful to other travellers? Or is there anything you would like to tell us? Don´t hesitate to let us know!
