Flights to Prague from London

A complete guide

last update: April 2023

When it comes to getting from London to Prague, the flight is with no doubt the most popular. Compared to other options, flying is usually not only the fastest, but also the most convenient and efficient way. With several airlines operating daily flights from London to Prague, it's easy to find a flight that fits your plans and budget.

In this article, we'll take a closer look at what you may ask when searching for flights to Prague from London (or vice versa), including flight time, cheap flights, options in terms of airports or airlines operating flights on this route. Simply put - anything that helps make your journey easier.

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  How far is Prague from London by plane

While when travelling e.g. by bus or train it is necessary to cover a distance of 1300 km, when flying the distance from London to Prague is just over 1000 km

  How long is the flight from London to Prague

Despite the relatively long distance, the average London to Prague flight time is only around 2 hours. If you choose a direct flight, it doesn't really matter which airlines you fly with. On the route Prague to London the flight time is similar for all of them, varying just by a few minutes. Alternatively, these differences are due more to procedural issues of each airlines. Only if you chose a connecting flight would this also affect the London to Prague flight duration. Then you need to allow 5 hours or more for your flight.

Are there any differences in flight duration from London to Prague depending on the airport you depart from in London?

London has several airports, from which you can fly to Prague or arrive at when flying from Prague to London. The distance between these London airports and Prague is relatively similar, but how long is a flight to Prague from London may vary. However, these slight differences are usually due to the particular airline operating flights from that airport rather than the departure airport itself.

What is worth noting is that travel times to and from each airport from the London city can vary, so be sure to factor in travel time to and from the airport when planning your trip.

  How to find cheap flights from London to Prague

The best way to find and buy cheap flights from Prague to London / from London to Prague  is to use an ONLINE FLIGHT SEARCH ENGINE. This way you can:

  • find all possible flights on any given day
  • compare them by price, flight time, or both these criteria
  • you can search for flights from London (in general) or a specific London airport
  • and, of course, buy your ticket immediately

Airlines adjust prices for flights from Prague to London based on the date and time you would like to fly, the booking time or the capacity of the flight. It's quite common to be lucky and get a ticket for €25 one day, while other times the price won't go below €200. In general, prices are expected to be significantly higher during peak travel periods, such as weekends or holidays. Although it is sometimes possible to find very cheap flights from London to Prague at the last minute, it is not worth relying on this and rather the earlier you book the better. 

What is the cheapest time to fly from London to Prague?
According to statistics, January is the cheapest month, while June, July and August are the peak season. On average, morning departures are also usually cheaper than afternoon or evening departures. 

Which airlines offer the cheapest flights to Prague from London?
An effective way to save money is to use low cost flights from London to Prague, operated by airlines such as Ryanair, easyJet or Wizz Air. It´s possible to compare the prices of all the airlines for a particular date online. However, keep in mind that they may charge additional fees for things like checked baggage, so factor this into your overall cost. 

  Flights to Prague from London: airports overview

There are several airports in London that offer flights to Prague, and the specific airports you can depart from may depend on the airline you choose - not all airlines fly from all of them. So be sure to check the departure airport before booking your ticket.

Overall, the main airports in London that offer direct flights to Prague are:

  • Heathrow Airport (LHR)
  • Gatwick Airport (LGW)
  • Stansted Airport (STN)
  • Luton Airport (LTN)

If you prefer a particular airport, just type it directly into the flight search engine or click on one of the links below. As for flights from London City Airport to Prague or London Southend to Prague, there are currently no direct flights to Prague. 

Find the best deals easily! Search for London to Prague cheap flights:

Flights to Prague from London Heathrow Flights from Prague to London Heathrow
Flights to Prague from London Gatwick Flights from Prague to London Gatwick
Flights to Prague from London Stansted Prague to London Stansted
Flights to Prague from London Luton Prague to London Luton

Probably the most well-known are the flights from London Heathrow to Prague, followed by the London Gatwick to Prague route. These two airports are the largest and busiest airports in London with good connections to London. However, if you are a budget traveller, then you should rather prefer flights to Prague from London Stansted or, alternatively, fly from London Luton to Prague. These two airports are further from the London city, but they are the main hub for low-cost airlines that offer on the route London - Prague cheap flights like Ryanair, Wizz Air or EasyJet.

Recommendation: To find the best flight deals, we recommend you just enter "London" and let the system find the best deals from all airports.

In Prague, there's just one airport for all the flights from London (actually, not only from London) - Václav Havel Airport Prague. A detailed information about how to get to the city centre from the airport can be found in the article “Airport Transfers to the city centre”.

  Which airlines fly to Prague from London

There are several airlines that operate flights from London to Prague. Some of the major airlines that offer direct flights on this route include:

  • British Airways
  • Ryanair
  • Wizzair
  • easyJet

There are also other airlines that offer flights from Prague to London / London to Prague, depending on the date and time of travel (e.g Vueling, KLM, Lufthansa, Swiss etc.). However, these are usually not direct flights, which will affect not only the flight time, but often also the price of the ticket. 


Brief summary

London to Prague flight distance: about 1030 km
London to Prague flight time: about 2 hours (direct flights)
Are there direct flights from London to Prague? YES
From which airports can you fly?
    London: Heathrow, Gatwick, Stansted, Luton
    Prague: Vaclav Havel Airport
Airlines offering direct flights: e.g. British Airways, Ryanair, Wizzair, easyJet
How to find and book cheap flights London to Prague: use Omio Flight Planner
How to get get from / to the airport in Prague: Transfer from / to Prague Airport

Other transportation options

Flight is probably the fastest, but not the only way to get from Prague to London / London to Prague. You can also get there comfortably by bus or by train, although the travel time is longer. Interested in comparing all possible ways to get from London to Prague and vice versa? Check here!

Final note: Do you have any questions about travelling by train from London to Prague or vise versa? Do you have your own tip, information that might be useful to other travellers? Or is there anything you would like to tell us? Don´t hesitate to let us know!
